POINT’s Mega Bounty Campaign



Point Network is the newest framework that is taking over Web3: decentralized browser + decentralized domains + decentralized storage + decentralized identities.

Introduce yourself to the world by registering an identity, which will be your public web3 handle:

You will be following the steps:

  • Download the Browser
  • Create or import the wallet

Do the Twitter validation of your handle > Twitter validation:

  • Insert your Twitter username as the handle on Point
  • Activate your handle by tweeting the point activation link and copy paste the twitter link back on Point handle.

Download & Register


  1. Nice

  2. Wonderful

  3. Waw

  4. I like your work

  5. im happy alpha

  6. my name malisha

  7. im happy alpha

  8. Yes i dit it

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