AuradX Airdrop Campaign — 100,000 DallE2 Tokens


They’ll giveaway a share of 1% of our total token supply, which amounts to an incredible 100,000 DallE2 tokens, to active and early users of our platform.

To participate in this amazing airdrop campaign, all you need to do is complete some simple tasks on our Crew3 platform and rank up in our Discord server.

Go To Campaign

ThunderSwap Confirmed Testnet Airdrop

Today is a significant day for the Blitz⚡, as the highly anticipated Thunder Swap DEX on the Arbitrum network is on the verge of being launched. However, before we take that step, we need the community’s help in testing and refining the platform!

Thunder Swap⚡ aims to be a feature-rich DEX that offers all the basic features, while also delivering an innovative and user-friendly experience. Our mission is to provide a simpleaccessible, and cost-effective service to all users. That’s why a testnet is necessary to ensure that the mainnet launch is flawless and problem-free.

We value the input of our beta testers and plan to record their addresses for an upcoming event, as we want to reward those who help us bring this project to life.

For the first version of Thunder Swap, we are deploying contracts for the three key features available upon launch:

  • ? Swapping
  • ? Staking/Farming
  • ⚡️ Zap (1-Click LP)

You can test all these features on the Goerli testnet.And guess what? Thunder Swap has even innovated by creating its own Faucet, making it easier for users to access the testnet.

Here’s a quick guide on how to use the Testnet:

1/ Browse to ThunderSwap DApp

2/ Connect your wallet

3/ Add or Switch to Goerli RPC

4/ Get some GoerliETH with ThunderSwap Faucet

5/Have fun testing the first features on the Website

Finally to complete all the below mention

  • ? Swapping
  • ? Staking/Farming
  • ⚡️ Zap (1-Click LP)

Take note of any issues or suggestions you may have and report them to the Thunder Swap team through their community channels.

SyncSwap Testnet (Potential Airdrop)

SyncSwap is a seamless decentralized exchange (DEX) on the zkSync Era by MatterLabs. Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap brings more people easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security.

The vision for SyncSwap would be to build a one-stop-shop DeFi hub that is totally seamless and easy to use with innovative features.

Bring user-friendly and accessible DeFi products to more people that even never heard about Ethereum — on the scaled Ethereum.

I have discussed about SyncSwap and its Testnet OAT before on my Telegram Group and Channel.

I believe now SyncSwap is in the final stage of the testnet, so you can test the platform today. It may useful for you in the future drops.

ZkSync Era Network:

Goerli Faucet:

Bridge ETH to ZkSync here:

Now lets test the platform itself

  • Go to and connect through zkSync Era Network
  • Get in-platform test tokens by clicking FAUCET
  • Use SWAP feature
  • Enter Amount and Click Unlock USDT
  • Now Click SWAP
  • Go POOL and Click New Position
  • Choose Tokens and Enter Pool
  • Go to Deposit and Add LP Between Two Tokens
  • Withdraw the LPs

Provide FeedBack on Discord:

That’s all for today!

Join .Ether Name Service Testnet (Confirmed Airdrop)

Are you excited for the impending .Ether Name Service Airdrop? This is an excellent opportunity to get your hands on a unique and valuable Ethereum domain name. But, before you dive in headfirst, it’s important to understand what this airdrop entails and how to get confirmed. In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the upcoming .Ether Name Service Airdrop and provide tried-and-tested tips on how to secure your spot. So read on, buckle up, and let’s explore!

Introduction to .Ether Name Service

.ether is a decentralized naming service developed on the Ethereum network. .ether aims to provide web3 with an online identity solution that only requires a one-time payment for ownership, unique referral program with commission, fair launch and distribution, and next-gen subdomain utility.

Who is eligible for the Airdrop?

In order to be eligible for the airdrop, you must have an Ethereum address that is registered with the .ether Name Service. You can check if your address is registered and get your points by looking up your address on the .ether Name Service website Airdrop. If your address is not get any points, you will need to join .ether testnet before the snapshot airdrop end.

How to Register, Doing Testnet and Get Points for the Airdrop

In order to register for the airdrop, you will need to have an Ethereum address. If you do not have one, you can create one using MetaMask.

Visit .ether name service webiste and create account by connecting your metamask wallet.

You need to Test the developed by on the Goerli testnet and earn 20 points for the $ETHERNS airdrop. In addition, they grant one free .ether domain name to every user who participates through Galxe (FCFS).

Step to Join .ether Testnet

You need to have Goerli eth for doing tesnet, you can claim here or here.

Visit, and connect you wallet.

You can create your first .ether domain or browse and join ether community to create sub domain first, its up to you, but in this tutorial i will join others to create sub domain first.

you can search like image above and then join to create subdomain

Confirm transaction in your wallet and then congrats you create your first subdomain on usa.ether

For Next step, now we create our own ether domain and make it public so others can create subdomain on your domain.

Go to Create & Manage like image above, scroll down then create your first domain

Confirm your transaction on your wallet, and wait to finish.

Next, edit your domain by clicking setting icon

Edit your Network, upload your logo, banner, description, etc and click submit changes button.

then for last step change your public setting to enable and save changes.

Now everyone on .ether community can also create subdomains in your domain

You can also make a status update for your beloved community or for everyone who searching your domain profile page.

Done !.

Check your Poin on Airdrop page

You can check your points by visiting $ETHERNS AIRDROP SEASON 1 page here. Other than doing testnet you can also increase your poin by

Register a main domain : 10 points

Register a sub domain: 2 points

Sell or transfer a domain: -5 points

Buy a domain on secondary market: 5 points

For more about .ether name service, you can visit .ether community




How to the get zkSync airdrop — 2023, A complete Testnet Guide — zkSync 2.0 (Era Testnet)

Airdrops are one of the best ways to earn passive income in crypto as it requires little or no investment upfront. with hours work now you can potentially earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

zkSync is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. they have raised around $450 million during the bull run.

Now lets jump into how to get qualified for the airdrop.

STEP 1 : Setup a MetaMask wallet and fund with some ETH

We assume that you have a MetaMask wallet. if no you can go through the tutorials available on YouTube.

STEP 2 : Bridge ETH to zksync 1.0 Mainnet

zkSync 1.0 mainnet is a older version of zksync and it is live from some time now.

Connect your metamask wallet to the official zkSync website and bridge some ETH from Ethereum mainnet to zksync 1.0 mainnet.

also on the same website you will find an NFT section mint an nft there.

STEP 3: Get some testnet tokens form zkSync 2.0 Faucet

Now we will be trying new version of zkSync which is zkSync 2.0 which is now available on testnet mode.

Go to zkSync Era Portal | Wallet, Bridge and Faucet and request some testnet tokens from faucet.

STEP 4: Test some Apps which are live on zkSync 2.0 testnet

below is the list of some apps that are live on zkSync 2.0 testnet, trying these apps gives us good chance of getting qualified for the upcomig airdrop.

  1. MES Protocol
  2. Mute
  3. Syncswap
  4. Mintsqaure
  5. Kreatorland
  6. Orbiter Bridge

you can find list of all the application that are live on zkSync HERE.

STEP 5: Complete zkSync CREW3 tasks.

Head over to zkSync official crew3 task page and complete the required task to level up. These tasks are important as sometime team decide to airdrop based on the roles one has in discord.

Another tutorial:

RelayChain Ignited: Part 1 of 2 — About Relay (Testnet Airdrop)

Relay Airdrop Season 1 

More transactions, more you earn :

You can Bridge any asset to Arbitrum chain or another chain.

Please use : NEW WALLET that is no elig ARB.

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